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Membership in the Society

If you love Wreck Beach, please join the Wreck Beach Preservation Society!

Your donation will help support the WBPS in our work, which can and may include: hiring environmental consultants or legal council, covering ongoing expenses such as newsletters, maintaining and improving our website, and supporting education and outreach.   The WBPS also supports local and international naturalist events; promoting joys of naturism such as Wreck Beach Body Acceptance Day,  and builds community through events such as our annual Wreck Beach Christmas Party.


Photo Credit: James Loewen

Why should I become a member of the WBPS?


Because you love Wreck Beach and want to support the Society.  The WBPS is the only organization whose mandate is to preserve Wreck Beach, and its foreshore and forests in as nearly a natural state as possible.  If you love Wreck Beach, then you should become a member, to support this mandate and all the important work the WBPS does.  


But what does it mean to become a member of the WBPS?


Membership is the heart and soul of the organization.  Without members, we cannot achieve the organization’s mission and goals.  Becoming a member is an act of service to the beach, and shows support for the mandate of the WBPS in a myriad of ways.  A strong membership shows that our mandate has significant public support, it gives us political clout as a registered Society under the BC Society’s Act.   It also keeps you informed of the work that WBPS is doing.  Your annual Membership dues support the WBPS in providing education, legal council, and opportunities to advocate for the beach.  Supporting the WBPS also shows support for naturism, as one of the society’s main goals. 


When we apply for grants, engage elected officials, or speak authoritatively in any public venue, we can point to your membership for "positive identification." When an antagonist asks, "Who are you to criticize this proposed tower construction?", we can say we speak for families, teachers, neighbours, business owners, other developers, city officials, historians, engineers, contractors - in short, the diverse group of people that doesn't want to see a part of our community's history disappear.  


What do I need to do as a WBPS member?


The most important thing you can do is join by registering through our online membership form.  You will also have the opportunity to volunteer if you so chose, and will be kept in the loop for volunteer opportunities, public consultations, news, and what the WBPS is currently doing to protect the beach.  Being a member also entitles you to attend our Annual General Meeting, to vote on electing our board, and to find out what the WBPS is doing.


Why does it cost money to join?


The annual Membership dues provide a reliable, renewable source of income for the WBPS.  We need the financial support to ensure we can engage in community building, outreach, legal consultation, and other activities that support the WBPS. To find out all the ways your donations are helping the WBPS, please attend our AGM.    


Why do you need my personal information?


We ask for your personal information so you can be kept informed of what the WBPS is doing.  Your contact information is only available to the membership committee and will never be shared publicly or with any third parties, or anyone outside of the organization.  We promise not to spam you or share your name or any other information with anyone outside the organization itself.  


But I thought I had a lifetime membership, why do I have to renew it?


Only one person has a lifetime membership to the WBPS - Judy Williams, who founded the organization and who has been a Wreck Beach Champion for over 50 years.  Everyone else needs to renew their membership annually. 


How do I become a member? 


To renew your annual membership or become a new member, just send a donation of $5.00 or more to: 


and fill out the form here:




Wreck Beach Preservation Society

©2023 by Wreck Beach Preservation Society. Proudly created with

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